Heriot Country Kids
Heriot Country Kids is a registered charity, which provides term-time after school care within Heriot Primary School. It is open to all primary school age children in the surrounding area and takes in its linked partner school, Fountainhall Primary.
The club offers an afterschool service run by a parent's committee and staffed by three childcare professionals. It provides a variety of play and creative activities as well as a range of clubs throughout the school year. It also endorses learning through play activities.
Heriot Country Kids is also open to children attending Fountainhall nursery school from 3 years’ onwards. Heriot Country kids offers parents a pick-up service from the nursery and Fountainhall school to the club at Heriot. This is to help provide wrap around care for nursery and school children, who may also have siblings at Heriot Primary.
Information on the afterschool club is available from both Heriot and Foutainhall schools or by calling the afterschool club on 01875 835750 or email
Monday to Thursday
Full Session 15:15 to 18:00 £9
Half Session 15:15 to 16.30 £5.50
Full Session 12:15 to 15:00 £9
Healthy snack included
After School Club Staff and Committee
Play Manager |
Care worker |
Care worker |
Chairman |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Michelle McDonald (07733 015418)
Lesley Thomson (07730 410491)
Natasha King / Lisa Humble-Henderson
Kevin Roose
Helen Marsden
Ruth Kidd